When you choose to sponsor our section of the Society of Women Engineers, you are helping to grow outreach for women in engineering and to create a community of support for current women in engineering. Your involvement with our section will give you access to some of the top academic talent and strongest leaders at our university. It is your support that allows us to increase retention in engineering and to inspire future leaders in all STEM fields.
Find out more about each available sponsorship here:
If you are interested in sponsoring our club, please contact our Professional Liaison, Lauren Reiter, at sponsoruaswe@gmail.com
Ready to sponsor our club? Head to our online store to pick your sponsorship!
Click below for a PDF brochure for more information on all of our general sponsorships and events
As a Bronze Sponsor, your company would have the opportunity to be recognized in the UA College of Engineering, on the University of Arizona campus, and within the Tucson, Arizona community as a champion of minorities in engineering. You would have a hand in helping us to create a support system for current women in engineering and an outreach network for future students.
Benefits of this sponsorship include:
Access to a database with all of our members' resumes
Updates of the ongoing events of the section
Recognition on section t-shirts/website
As a Silver Sponsor, your company would have a close relationship with our section of the Society of Women Engineers' general membership. This sponsorship gives your company the opportunity to meet and interact with our members in a more casual setting. We will ask your company to present on the topic of your choice to educate our members on an area of professional development.
Benefits of this sponsorship include:
All Bronze Sponsor benefits
Opportunity for your company to be a keynote speaker at one of our monthly general body meetings
Advertisement of upcoming career opportunities in our weekly club emails
As the Gold Sponsor, your company would have a close relationship with our section of the Society of Women Engineers' outreach mission. This sponsorship focuses on helping to recruit and encourage women making major career decisions. We seek your support in doing this in a hands-on, practical way by helping them transition to a college environment and maintain their ambition and passion for engineering in their college career.
Benefits for this sponsorship include:
All Silver Sponsor benefits
Second choice in the meeting at which your company would like to be the keynote speaker
Advertise upcoming career opportunities during our meetings and on our website
As the Platinum Sponsor, your company would have a close relationship with our section of the Society of Women Engineers. This sponsorship focuses on growing the club, retaining our current members and inspiring new leadership. The sponsorship will help us have a large impact on current collegiate women in engineering and will help your company grow meaningful relationships with students.
Benefits for this sponsorship include:
All Gold Sponsor benefits
First choice in the meeting at which your company would like to be the keynote speaker
Recognition on officer board polos
A dinner with the Executive Board
platinum LEVEL SPONSORSHIP: $1500
Thank you to our current sponsors!
$1,500 +
$1,000 +
Sandia National Laboratories
Sundt Construction
$500 +
Texas Instruments
$100 +
Alicat Scientific, Inc.